Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Getting Back to Normal

Hello Everyone!!

As many of you may or may not have know that I finished my job at CHPC. This is a good thing!!! While I really enjoyed the children and families at the church I was bogged down with the the admistrative stuff that I had to deal with. Admistrative stuff is not where my gifts lie.

Last week I spent an amazing week with my wonderful boyfriend Michael. I can't believe we almost known each other for a year. How time flys!!! It's amazing how we've both grown through our relationship!!!

I'm starting to get back to being my self again.For about 9 months, I have completly forgotton about people and all I cared or worried about was work. Work became my life. Which was not healthy. I never had time to do anything. Most of the time I was too tired to even write a letter to someone. I hardly ever smiled and was pretty much depressed most of the time. Through a class at Vineyard Community Church and the encouragement from Michael I was able to discover that my lack Boundries was hurting me. It took some guts to quit the job at CHPC but I am so glad that I did. It was not healthy place for me to be.

I am currently in training at Mad Science. Thing have been going well there! I can't wait to get started in classroom!!!

Today I babysat for a friend's children. They were so wonderful. We played games, read stories, and watched a movie. During the movie both children climbed onto my lap. The little one who is almost 2 fell asleep. She was so sweet. It just touched my heart!!!! I love children!!!! I am looking forward to having some of my own someday!!

That's all for now!!


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