Thursday, August 18, 2005


Today is my last day at CHPC. I am sad because I will miss the people here. I won't miss the overwhelming feeling of being busy all the time!! Yet, I shall be around!! I won't be going far mind you! I will still be in Cincinnati! So I'm sure that I will still stay friends with all the people here. Actually, I may get to spend more time with the people here, instead of being so tired and worn out all the time!!!

I wanted to post some of my favorite pics from the summer!!

I call this picture summer!!! I love the joy on her face! It is just sooo much fun!!!

This one I call "Just Chillin".

This one is from Day Camp!!! The children had a good time

decorating their counselors and themselves!!! Too much fun!!!

This is when the 2nd and 3rd graders pushed us in the pool during the overnight camp out

I've really come to realize that teaching children is what I really love to do! While I like leading adults! I must rather lead children!!!!

This is a picture of me with some little kids who are painting

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