Saturday, September 10, 2005


Things at my new job have been going rather well. It's not bad...but it's not terrific either. Positive attitude!!! I've had to help several children change after accidents! :D Part of the job!
In GREAT and INTERESTING NEWS! Michael asked me what cut of stone I would like for my ring. The funny thing is I don't know. I kinda feel guility because I don't want him to think that I want a huge, fancy ring. I'm not a big jewerly person. I would be happy with whatever he chose. :D I would even like a nice band that has LOVE engraved all around it. I'm not a fussy person.
I talked to my Mom last night. She was making roses for my brother's wedding cake.She told me that this wedding is going to be casual!!! Next Friday I am flying to NJ and meeting up with Michael. Then Michael and I are driving up to Vermont. We are leaving at 4 am so we can be at my parent's house by 10:00am. I'm excited!!! I love my family! I'm so glad my brother is marrying Davina! We like her a lot. She has been sooooo good for him!!! :D
Michael's sister has set a tentitive date for her wedding. In late June. Weddings are soo exciting!!!
Going to the library!!
Ciao for now!


knowshebreaks said...

emillllllllllly! why are we always missing each other???

Anonymous said...

you have a beautiful smile..

job listings

Anonymous said...

Hi how are you?

I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not leave you a comment.

I too have a blog that I use out of Southern California here in San Diego.

Mostly it is a collection of artistic expression, and I have many friends with the same interests, maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

Well I hope to hear from you soon, and or read about you….LOL
